Sunday, August 24, 2014

Today in Headlines - Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Just miles from where 18-year-old Michael Brown was gunned down by police officer Darren Wilson, another young black American has been shot to death in the suburban streets of Ferguson, Missouri.  23-year-old Kajieme Powell was confronted by police after shoplifting a pair of energy drinks from a local convenience store.  The suspect was said to be brandishing a knife and yelling to officers, "shoot me, kill me now."  Officers at the scene were apparently more than willing to oblige.

An amateur video shot by cellphone was quickly released to the general public, stoking further outrage from citizens who say the shocking footage greatly contradicts the official account given by local department officials.  The officer responsible for the shooting, one Jimbo Kern, who was recently transferred from South Park, Colorado, and has known ties to right-wing militias, stated in his defense, quote, "he was coming right for us!"

France has caused some sour notes to flow from the inharmonious pipes of their Northern neighbor, Scotland.  Lack of French support for Scottish independence has left many separatists both inside and outside Scotland to question the commitment of their longtime Parisian allies.  While some in France say that they understand Scotland's desire to become an independent statehood, the persistence of a strong and collected United Kingdom would ultimately take precedent -many citing the steady emergence of German dominance within the European Union, and the need for a formidable counterbalance.  One French official was quoted as saying, "Sorry, mon brave. We've battled together often in the past. But this time, the fight is not ours."  To which the Scots replied:

A ruling handed down this week by the Texas Supreme Court is causing ripples of frustration within workers rights groups, with many claiming the bench has essentially given major corporations a literal "license to lie."  In what was clearly a dick move, American chemical company Dupont had maliciously deceived thousands of workers about the long-term prospects of their employment, convincing them that the company had no intentions of liquidating a newly created subsidiary to which many had recently been transferred.  All the while, Dupont was engaging in secret talks to sell the spin-off to fellow titan of industry, Koch Industries, who then punted all tangible assets onto well known weapons manufacturer, Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated.

Internet Party founder Kim Dotcom has caused a major upset among feminists this week by continuing to issue his all too familiar brand of crude, sexist comments via Twitter.  Dr. Pani Farvid , who has been officially designated as the Party's "gender issues" spokeswoman, attempted to quell outrage by claiming that Dotcom is a product of a sexist western culture and will continue to work toward refining his offensive behavior.  Many partisans responded to Farvid's comments with confusion as they could not identify exactly what gender Kim actually belonged to.

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