Monday, October 27, 2014

Today in Headlines - Friday, October 24, 2014

A swarm of Controversy has descended upon the assembly at Christ's Grace Cathedral in Southwestern Ohio. For years concerns have mounted regarding the allegedly unethical practices of 93-year-old evangelist leader/prophet Ernest Angely.  So much so that the Akron Beacon Journal conducted a 3-month-long investigation into the closely guarded activities of the peculiar gathering, with the specific intent of checking into rumors of sexual abuse and forced vasectomies.  During the course of the paper's analysis, reporters contacted over 30 current and former members of the congregation.  Comments from the flock ranged from supportive and sometimes defensive, to generally outraged and just plain scared.  Many stated that the ministry functioned in an increasingly cult-like manner, placing Angley atop as the infallible hierophant, beyond all reproach.  The Reverend himself is facing allegations of groping male attendees on their privates, as well as encouraging female members to undergo abortions, lest the cost of raising a child infringe upon their ability to support the church.  Some have suggested that criminal charges may be pending against the aged Angley, especially after it was discovered he was leading a treacherous double life as the Dick Tracy villain commonly known as Pruneface.

Daniela Livarani, a British backpacker on extended holiday in Southeast Asia, became increasingly alarmed when after experiencing a minor motorcycle accident, she began to develop persistent nosebleeds and feared she may have even ruptured a blood vessel inside her head.  Fortunately for her the cause turned out to be something far less fatal, but totally disgusting nonetheless.

After 3 months of travel Livarani returned home to Edinburgh and immediately sought emergency medical assistance.  She began to suspect that the incessant hemorrhaging in her sinus cavity was, in fact, being caused by a small organism living deep inside her left nostril.  After a lengthy extraction process conducted by doctors, Daniela explained her ordeal:

"When I was in the shower, he would come right out as far as my bottom lip and I could see him sticking out the bottom of my nose. So when that happened, I jumped out of the shower to look really closely in the mirror and I saw ridges on him. That's when I realized he was an animal."  

Leeches are known for slipping their way into various orifices around the human body, often terrifying those who discover them.  Such was the case for notable human-leech hybrid Robin Thicke, who's recently departed wife, Paula Patton, had this to say about the ordeal:
"3-inch-long and about the width of a thumb?  Yeah, that's my Robin."

Earlier this month an elephantine looking piglet was born from a 550 lbs. somewhere in a rural area of Northeastern China.  The freakish specimen was eventually put on display in Jilin, where promoters billed it as being half pig, half elephant.  Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the co-creators of the hit animated comedy series South Park, were quick to address any indication of wrongdoing, stating:

"Swear to god, we had nothing to do with this."

Members of the Clowns of America International Society are up in arms this week over what they call a perpetual sensationalizing of clown fear, or "coulrophobia," throughout the mainstream entertainment media.  CAIS President Glenn Hoklberger, a/k/a Clyde D. Scope, blames ill recruitment numbers on the increasingly common depiction of clowns as depraved maniacal killers, stating, "They can take any situation, no matter how good or pure, and then turn it into a nightmare."  Recent complaints from the jesting community come largely in the wake of the season premier for cable's wildly popular television show American Horror Story: Freaks.  This new installation debuts a murderous clown known as Twisty, who has arguably become the program's most intriguing figure.  Resurgence of fearful clown-based imagery has caused other malevolent pranksters to float to the surface, with one giving pause for comment:

"You start hanging out in a sewage treatment facility and suddenly it's 'evil' this and 'child-killer' that."

Several other sinister clowns were unavailable for comment.  Apparently, they were all too busy biting off people's fingers and putting baby teeth inside of Christmas bells.

A tense political battle is heating up in Colorado this fall between incumbent Democrat John Hickenlooper, and strong-arm Republican challenger Bob Beauprez.  One of the most persistent issues of this election season is apparently the death penalty, with right-wing Beauprez relentlessly pounding Hickenlooper over his incredibly unpopular choice not to execute convicted quadruple-murderer Nathan Dunlap.  Dunlap is a former Chuck E. Cheese cook who, upon being fired, brutally shot several of his co-workers, killing four and injuring one.  Hickenlooper's hesitation to put Dunlap down did not sit well with Coloradans, 67% of those polled opposed his decision.  The particularly divisive stance has caused his opponent to issue a political first in America, the promise that if he is elected Governor this fall, he will, in fact, kill Nathan Dunlap.  That's right, Republican Beauprez has assured constituents that if their votes carry him through November and into the Governorship, he will undoubtedly sign the order approving Dunlap's executing.  Political scientists have expressed concern over such a maneuver, stating that the repercussions could be monstrous.  Already, a Northwest Virginia write-in candidate by the name of Elmer Fudd has dredged up menial support with his solemn pledge to "kill that wascally wabbit, this November."

Russian President Vladimir Putin is stepping up the rhetoric this week in a series of rousing speeches made throughout the Ukraine, in an attempt to convince business leaders and intellectuals that their Russian neighbor does not pose any kind of threat to their national sovereignty.  A concept that many Ukrainians are still very skeptical of.  

Mr. Putin wasted no time in criticizing the U.S. and it's ghastly foreign policy record, markedly pointing out the incredibly unpopular wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  He later suggested that American President Barack Obama is perhaps the "weakest" Commander-in-Chief to date, claiming "he has suffered a long series of humiliating defeats during his tenure."  

The statement especially rings true when considering that just last month President Obama had his personal credit card declined while dining at an upscale Italian restaurant in downtown New York, New York.  Apparently the line of credit had been maxed out the previous weekend after attending a little league baseball game in the Middle-America suburbs of Chicago.  

According to new reports out of the war-torn Middle East this week, ISIS fighters have effectively commandeered several fighter jets left abandoned at former Syrian Airforce installations located throughout the now rebel held territories.  Naturally as the umbrella of influence spreads across the region, the Islamic state has significantly improved it's arsenal of viable weaponry in it's arduous war against western backed forces.  The extremist movement's ever present propaganda wing has already made use of the recent enhancement in producing a terror fueled knock-off of a rip-roaring American favorite.

Of course, certain cultural differences had resulted in some divergent plot lines.  For instance, the jihadi hero lead doesn't bother winning over the classy, yet sultry gal with his rugged good looks and bad boy attitude.  Nope, in the new intifada edit, he merely throws a bag over her head and immediately starts in with the violent rape.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Today in Headlines - Wednesday, October 22, 2014

32-year-old Dover resident Andrew Walls unintentionally found his way into the "weird news" pile at the Huffington Post this week after bringing a lawsuit against his former surgeon/co-worker for unspecified damages over what he calls an "outrageous" prank that went horribly awry.  According to court documents, the incident occurred during a routine colonoscopy as the patient lay sedated under anesthesia.  Walls later woke to find that the medical staff had jokingly fashioned a pair of pink ladies undergarments neatly upon his person.  He now claims the unorthodox treatment resulted in long-term emotional distress and ultimately cost him his job.  Fortunately, Andy was able to find part-time work as Bubbles the Pink Drag Queen from Hell.

In the central Ohio city of Sparta this week, a heavily pimpled 22-year-old by the name of Owen Reese, inexplicably decided to answer his front door while brandishing an authentic broadsword, which he menacingly held above his head in an apparent show of crazy/stupid.  Young Reese, a renowned mall-rat and D & D gamesmaster, belligerently shouted obscenities towards a group of innocent cub scouts who had come to sell him popcorn on behalf of their local troop.  Apparently caramel corn was too much for the mighty Mr. Reese, who, according to eye witnesses, advanced toward the boys threateningly, quickly prompting nearby parents to intervene.  Eventually, local authorities were called to the scene and, upon confronting Reese (who amazingly was not shot to death as he answered his door for a second time wielding the deadly weapon), ordered the young man to relinquish the saber, and then proceeded to handcuff him for booking.  When asked why he had exhibited such forcefulness in the coarse of greeting visitors, Reese stated: 
"Well, this is Sparta." 

And now for our lead story.  President Obama has recently called for a more aggressive response to the mounting Ebola crisis, stating that he has instructed top CDC officials to create a pack of "Ebola SWAT Teams" in an effort to improve response times and the overall effectiveness of containment.  The action comes in the wake of yet another healthcare worker, this one by the name of Amber Joy Vinson, being formally diagnosed with the deadly infectious disease.   

The initiative is expected by many on Capital Hill to quickly produce superior results.  This sentiment is largely due to the persistent belief in Washington that all perceived threats of an African origin should be responded to with naked aggression and unbridled militarism.

Further, CDC officials issued somewhat apologetic statements today.  Admitting for the first time that serious mistakes had been made during it's initial response to the viral outbreak, conceding they should have started the nonsensical politicization process much, much sooner.

Joyce Newhart, a decidedly notable contestant on the much loved American game show "The Family Feud," may have taken things in a painful direction when she speculated the most popular answer to a recently polled question, which read, "If you could change one part of your husband's body, what would it be?"  Joyce immediately looked to her own partner, Darren, for some possible indication.  Apparently, she went straight for the crotch.  But unfortunately, "his penis" was not among the top five responses, and the question was duly passed on to the opposing team.  Contemporary "Feud" host Steve Harvey stood seemingly perplexed, often hearing in his own case, "those freakishly huge teeth."

Northeastern communities are bracing for another harsh winter this year as news of another debilitating "polar vortex" looms forebodingly on the meteorological horizon.  For those who remember last year's record low temperatures which resulted in freakish weather patterns and prompted the release of several Youtube videos cleverly displaying water being frozen mid-slosh.  This year, especially heavy hits are expected to land on New York and Philadelphia as early as late November.

Meanwhile, residents in the west coast entertainment epicenter, Hollywood, Ca., begrudgingly hunker down for the stupefying onslaught of yet another wack production from the Syfy original movie franchise, Sharknado.

Self-purported cryptozoologist Quinton Winter, adamantly claims to have witnessed the emergence a gargantuan (You know, I've always liked that word... "gargantuan"... I so rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence.) crab-like creature, that he says is currently lurking in the waters off of Kent Harbor, a small coastal city located in the UK isles.  Mr. Winter and his son were reportedly fishing during their annual vacation when they both noticed what's been described as "two glazed blank eyes on stalks, swiveling wildly."  Quinton speculates that the strange beast was in fact a massive crab, which has since been dubbed across the crypto-sphere as "Crabzilla."  Unfortunately, the rumor was inevitably quashed as evidenced surfaced showing that the crab-like monstrosity was, after all, known actress of stage and screen, Jackie Weaver.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Today in Headlines - Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Spanish ad company, Vimeme Viral Media Marketing, recently conducted what they consider to be a "unique sociological experiment." The on-camera study, aptly named "Touch Me," consisted of several slightly nervous participants being approached by well known pornstars, who would then ask to be touched anywhere upon their body.  Reactions by test-subjects ranged from excited to just plain dumbstruck.  While some involved went straight into sexually-charged groping, others simply collapsed into a pile of helpless giggles. The experiment proceeded as expected until one middle-aged participant stormed the studio, yelling "honk honk...honk honk," while making obscene squeezing gestures with his hands.  The unruly individual was later identified as infamous Chicago-land-area hooligan, Al Bundy.

During what should have been a normal Sunday service at the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, Reverend Juan Demetrius McFarland utterly shocked his congregation with the surprise admission that he had not only developed totally full-blown AIDS, but was actively sleeping with several female members of the congregation.  Rev. McFarland stated, quote, "I'm not really a pastor, I'm an alien sent to Earth to kill church members and chew bubble gum.  Today, I just ran out of bubble gum."  Apparently the unsuspecting flock had no idea that the man they entrusted with their very salvation was, in fact, pilfering collection funds, getting high in the rectory, and regularly sticking his bubble gum under the alter.  After hearing the disheartening news many attendees began to pour out of the sanctuary seeking solace in coffee and donuts.  One parishioner voiced his sharp displeasure, stating:

The police of St. Louis, Missouri, are practically under siege tonight, after much raucous was raised over the unlawful shooting of yet another black teen just miles from where Michael Brown was killed last August.  The victim this time was young Vonderrit Myers, who witnesses say had just purchased a seemingly harmless sandwich moments before an off-duty police officer gunned him down.  Local authorities were quick to shift blame to the fallen, claiming Myers was part of an up-and-coming street gang locally known as the West-Side Subway Ballas.

Elon Musk is at it again, pulling grandiose technological advancements out of his billion dollar hat and effectively wowing American consumers for the second time this season.  After posting a string of cryptic tweets last week, Telsa motor company conducted a major unveiling at the Hawthorn Airport late Thursday night, showing off their new "D" model automobile.  "D" apparently signifying "dual," an obvious reference to the car's unique double motor technology that conveniently eliminates the need for a front-to-rear driveshaft, thus maximizing interior space.  Tesla's new wave vehicles are also being praised by critics and customers alike for their ample dual trunk space. One driver, known simply as "Tommy" stated and I quote, "Yeah, well, when we had to dispose of...uh, I mean drop off our friend, Frankie Carbone, we definitely had plenty of room...for his body."

Recently wed actor/activist George Clooney made a dramatic appearance at this year's epic Comic Con UK, unexpectedly dropping in for a panel discussion covering all things Batman. As some might remember, in 1997 Mr. Clooney begrudgingly took the lead part in a famously underpowered frachise-killer entitled "Batman and Robin."  It was rumored that as a result of the horrendously unworthy adaptation, Clooney had been totally dis-invited from Comic Con ever since.  Apparently, in an attempt to redeem himself, Clooney formally apologized to the original Batman, Adam West, stating, "please, just hit me."  West happily reciprocated with a simple fist-bump, but only shortly before well-known vampire player Alexander Skarsgard (True Blood's Eric Northman) landed a shiv squarely in Clooney's abdomen, muttering, "that was for Dusk Till Dawn."

Last week, Delaware State Troopers responded to a frantic 9-1-1 call placed by a local suburban daycare center after staff discovered a backpack containing nearly 250 packets of ready-for-market heroin.  A 4-year-old student by the name of Alicia Tull was apparently passing out the drugs as candy when one teacher noticed the wrappings were all distinctly labeled "slam."  The little girl's mother, 30-year-old Ashley Tull, could not locate the child's regular book-bag, so she absentmindedly replaced it with the dope-bag instead.  In addition to allegations of drug trafficking, Ms. Tull is also facing charges over possession of outdated drug slang.  Seriously? Slam? Is this 1981 and we're hanging out in John Belushi's studio apartment?  Come on, people.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Today in Headlines - Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Jonathan Goldsmith, well-known actor of stage and screen, was commended this week for lending his vastly iconic image as the "most interesting man in the world," to assist the struggling cause for landmine removal in South East Asia.  The often short staffed and cash strapped Mines Advisory Group (or MAG for short) has recently received a much needed outpouring of support thanks to the attention Mr. Goldsmith has drawn to their most benevolent efforts to clear away lingering Vietnam War era explosives buried randomly throughout the region.  Upon receiving a commendation from Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Goldsmith aptly quipped his familiar catchphrase, saying, "I don't always drink beer..but when I do, I usually end up meandering around in a patch of landmines trying not to get my dick blown off."

Former cross-addicted chemical-dependent, Dean Parave, and his handsome wife Christa, have shocked friends, family, and their congregation by starting a risque online forum tailored specifically for iron-pumping Christians who want to meet, pray, and get it on.  The site is called Fitness Swingers, and this freaky churchgoing couple gives a whole new meaning to "love thy neighbor."  49-year-old Dean claims that his practices are in total accordance with the fundamental values of Christianity and sees no conflict between his extramarital affairs and the way of the Lord.  In fact, according to Dean, "God put people on the Earth to breed and enjoy each other," and what better way to fulfill that purpose than to pump iron and have threesomes.  News of Parave's promiscuous collective has sparked a newfound willingness among the most unlikely of candidates to consider the good word, one such enthusiast declared, "I'm reborn, baby! Yeah!"

The phenomenal social media upstart now commonly known as Ello has perpetuated some big waves in Silicon Valley after it's mysterious online debut earlier this fall.  Founders Paul Budnitz and Todd Berger have touted the new platform as a formidable "Anti-Facebook", claiming they have no intention of betraying user confidence by selling data, much less valuable ad space.  When criticized over what many are calling a non-viable business model, Budnitz simply shrugged and said, "we have no exit strategy."  Consequently, it should come as no surprise that Ello has hired on as it's Director of Strategy and Development, former President of the United States, George W. Bush.

According to a recent article in Mother Jones, the family of lone gunman George Zimmerman is now living in a perpetual state of fear and paranoia.  Desperate to "rebrand" after the tragic killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin back in 2012, the Zimmermans have adopted bizarre rituals of cloak and dagger style preparedness, hoping to get an edge on the left-wing, social justice Nazis, who George believes are not just out to kill his reputation.  The Zimmermans have reportedly fashioned several "go bags" which are stashed strategically throughout their residence, as well as developed a series of "lock down" rule-sets, including:  No mail, no visitors, no conversing with neighbors, no prolonged telephone calls, no discussing whereabouts over text or email, and keep a weapon close by at all times.  Additionally, a secret color-coded warning system was devised to prepare for Waco-like contingencies.  Apparently, Blue indicates law enforcement is at the door, Red means draw your weapons, Black (ironically) signals to come out shooting, and Brown stands for "omg, this is a police standoff and I've just crapped my pants."

Steven Miles, a 17-year-old boy from Surrey, England, has savagely murdered and dismembered his once adoring, devoted girlfriend.  Evidently, young Miles committed the brutal act in an attempt to mimic the serial killer tendencies of a widely popular cable television personality known simply as Dexter.  The killer is said to have taken great precautions to conceal his horrible deeds, but was ultimately found out by another young local boy who was apparently emulating the much lauded character Rustin Cohle, featured in Showtime's wonderfully successful crime drama, True Detective.  The killer was then tried in a courtroom largely inspired by T.V.'s Law and Order, and will be sent to a correctional center based on the popular cable show Oz.

Surrey police are now investigating a similar series of murders styled in the manner of HBO's Game of Thrones.  The killer is reportedly knocking off seemingly essential members of the community at totally random times, much to the shock of spectators.

In other crime news, law enforcement officials in Colorado say they have indicted close to two dozen individuals connected with a Denver area drug ring purportedly dealing methamphetamine out of run-of-the-mill lunch trucks.  According to State Attorney John Suthers, "customers could literally walk up to a food truck and order a side of meth with their taco."  Combo menu items included:

#1  The Mushroom Burger w/ Peyote Fries and a Large Cocaine

#5 The Baked Potato (Psst! You put your weed in there, man)

and #8 The Charlie Sheen Special  - Two churro's coated with angle dust.

Human squeaky toy Miley Cyrus is in hot water this week after incurring the wrath of what looks like the entire Mexican National Government.  According to eyewitness reports, Cyrus provocatively rubbed the country's mighty standard across her perky derriere whilst twerking for a drunken rabble of .  The sweaty, jean-clad audience quickly turned against her, hurling insults and live chickens.  Local news reports indicate Miley was viciously pelted with chiclets upon exiting the amphitheater.  The incident harkens back to earlier scandals of the like, such as the time Madonna used the Puerto Rican flag to floss her crack, or when Marilyn Manson abused Old Glory as a tour bus cum rag.  Then there was the horrendous fallout caused by lame actor-comedian Richard Lewis who once blew his nose with the flag of Guam.  While sporadically touching his forehead, Richard Lewis dribbled out, "What can I say? It's Guam."

Sunday, October 5, 2014

WE'RE BACK! Giant-Size Update - Sunday, October 5, 2014

WE'RE BACK!  After a prolonged hiatus over the sweltering month of September, we finally return with a spleen biting update featuring all new vile denunciations, heartless ridicule, and just plain cheap-shots. Our favorite freaks and losers are callously represented here throughout one lengthy rambling tirade.  Behold, the Giant-Size Update:

NASA has announced an incredibly lucrative partnership between well-established aeronautics developer Boeing ($4.2 billion); and their most direct commercial competitor, SpaceX ($2.6 billion).  The two ventures have been issued a strict mandate by Congress to speedily design, test, and certify viable spacecraft capable of transporting up to 7 passengers, no later than 2017.  Since retiring it's aging shuttle fleet in 2011, the United States has for many years relied upon the Russians to "taxi" American astronauts to and from the International Space Station, paying out a a hefty fare of $70 million per person, per ride.  The urgent shift towards independence comes amid increased tensions between Russia and the United States.  When asked about the potential cost to taxpayers generated by such a domestic undertaking, the assigned helmsman of the prospective space-taxi program, one Travis Bickle, combatively responded:

"Are you talkin' to me?  Are you talkin' to me?  I'm the only one standing here, so you must be talking to me."

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency issued a statement indicating that nearly 9 pounds of pure unrefined opium had been discovered during a post flight inspection at San Francisco International Airport last Monday.  The smuggler had reportedly come out of Thailand carrying a parcel containing a total of 66 individually packaged bars of soap.  Authorities state they became alarmed after receiving numerous phone calls about local residents spending protracted amounts of time in the shower, often zoning out to Leonard Cohen.

A deadly shooting that took place in Canadenis, Pennsylvania last week, is leading to more questions than answers as authorities continue their manhunt for an incredibly elusive suspect who is thought to be making his way across dense upstate woodlands, carrying only a hunting knife and a roll of duct tape.  Police indicate that a local man opened fire inside a remote state troopers barracks, killing at least two, and then immediately fled the scene.  When asked whether police had any leads, State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan was quoted as saying that officers were currently pursuing a person of interest they believe may be involved with the shooting.  The suspect in question is Scranton's own, "Prison Mike."

Last Thursday, DOJ headmaster and known liberal legal activist Eric Holder incited a maelstrom of speculation across Capital Hill after making the surprise announcement that he would soon be resigning from the prestigious post as Attorney General.  Upon reporting of Holder's imminent departure, ever-mediocre internet news outlet Politico boldly declared that Eric Holder was "Great on Drugs."  The queerly worded headline sparked immediate commentary all across the online herbal-sphere, with one statement coming from 1998 Half Baked movie character "The Enhancement Smoker," who quipped:  

"You ever seen the Attorney General, man?...You ever seen the Attorney General...

Tim Draper, the noted technology investor who recently proposed dividing the State of California into six separate territories, has failed miserably in his effort to gather the statutory number of signatures required to launch a statewide ballot initiative.  However, the Draper camp says that while they are disappointed, they will not be discouraged, citing that their ideologically entrenched brain-trust is already concocting a revised approach to influencing public opinion.  Such efforts would include the breaking down of their overall platform into six crappier ideas.

Computing giant Microsoft has reportedly purchased the incredibly popular Minecraft video game franchise.  Microsoft, which also owns the blockbuster games series Halo, paid out a substantial cash total of $2.5 billion to small-time developer Mojang, the programming collaborative responsible for much of Minecraft's success.  In keeping with the game's thematic nature, the enormous payout will be made in the form of pixelated gold and iron ingots.  

Self proclaimed nerdist figurehead, and sole creator of Minecraft, Mark Persson, stated in an interview with PC Magazine that it's, quote "not about the money, it's about my sanity." He also mentioned that the sale would free up a lot of time to masturbate in his garage.

A somewhat progressive Chinese insurance group is making headlines this week over a truly odd-duck sales promotion flaunting strange and obscure policies, which the company says are meant to drive consumer acquisition in a persistently stalled economy.  Ping An Insurance Group Co of China Ltd has reportedly offered coverage on contingencies such as "naughty children, bride becoming pregnant before the wedding, soccer teams being eliminated from the world cup finals, over-drinking, being attacked by hooligans and defective concubines."

An American insurance company is now following suit by offering potential clients affordable coverage on "being shot by the police, being shot while attending pre-school, being shot on a college campus, being shot in a movie theater, being shot on a military base, and/or, finding yourself rabidly attracted to a popular insurance company spokeswoman."

Following the incredibly successful propaganda campaign waged by the up and coming terror syndicate most commonly known as the Islamic State, there is no doubt these new youngblood extremists have taken center stage in the cockamamie world of violent religious fanaticism.  As a result they have quite effectively displaced the once ominous, now scattered and befuddled, Al Qaeda.  In a desperate bid to stay relevant, the group's strong-arm cohorts have set up an online presence to compete with ISIS and their steadily trending onslaught of the Twitter.  Now known as "The Qaed", terror leaders announced today that they would be taking Myspace by storm.  Those already on their friends list include:  That guy Tom, Metal Sanaz, Dennis Rodman, and about 92 sexy webcam porn-bots.  Oh yeah, and Bert.  

HBO talk show host and former Married...with Children cast member, Bill Maher, was recently quoted during a one-on-one interview with Salon's Joel Keller, that he "refuses" to watch John Oliver's rival comedy series Last Week Tonight, which in recent weeks has gained status as a formidable cable television phenomena.  Apparently, Maher said he had once tried to take in the program, but was constantly distracted by the sound of his own popularity being sucked out of the room.

Now in law enforcement news, police in Chesterfield County are scratching their heads tonight after a lowly gas station attendant successfully warded of a masked gunman who attempted to rob an Exxon Mobile station last Saturday night.  The fearless clerk swung his mighty mop of justice, successfully unmasking the would-be bandit who then promptly fled the scene.  Local authorities would not identify the lone defender, but footage obtained by local security cameras has confirmed the involvement of 1984 Troma movie hero, The Toxic Avenger.  Affectionately referred to by fans as, "Toxie." 

A senior law enforcement agent is in hot water this week after he fell victim to a petty criminal after leaving his government issued sedan unlocked while parked at a service station in Knutsford.  By all accounts, the theft was hardly innocuous.  Items lifted from the agent's vehicle included cellphones, a police radio kit, ID cards, various personal documents, as well as training notes.  Local police were able to nab the perpetrator, one Peter Mark McHugh, a 43-year-old repeat offender.  While the UK's National Crime Agency claims they adhere to the highest possible standards, some could not help but question the logic of placing the service station security detail in the hands of known bungler, Agent Mr. Bean.

The Palin Family grabbed some headlines this past week after reports surfaced of a booze-fueled fist-fight which broke out during a late night celebration following the Iron Dog snowmobile race held outside Anchorage, Alaska.  By all accounts, the VP hopeful's kin had quickly resorted to punching and kicking after a drunk and belligerent Track Palin confronted a fellow party goer who was rumored to have occasionally knock boots with a "young and nimble" Bristol Palin.  Bristol, according to eye witness accounts, has a wicked right hook.

Shortly after the altercation, meat-ball Track was seen milling around outside the residence, shirtless, and flipping people off alongside the former Governor.  Todd was reportedly nursing a broken nose -like a bitch.

Now the whole clan is said to be heading down to Chicago, Illinois for a special return episode of the ever-popular Jerry Springer Show.

As one of Northern England's most beautiful attractions, the Alnwick Gardens draw in over 600,000 patrons every year.  The 14 acre site features luxurious cascading fountains, beautifully manicured topiaries, and of course, murder...  That's right, the garden at Alnwick castle, as renovated by the eccentric Duchess of Northumberland, Jane Percy, is filled to the brim with extremely poisonous and often deadly exotic plant life.  In a recent interview addressing the somewhat morbid choice in foliage, the royal nut-bar mentioned that, "I thought, 'This is a way to interest children," and "children don’t care that aspirin comes from a bark of a tree. What’s really interesting is to know how a plant kills you." (I know, she actually said that, what the fuck is wrong with English people?)

In all there are around 100 infamous "killer" plants on display at Alnwick, observers are strenuously cautioned not to stop and smell the flowers.  Those on display include: 

Energy industry advocates, threatened by an insurmountable wave of fully accredited scientific evidence, have recently resorted to less than dutiful methods in propagating the illusion of broad based public support.  According to the Asheville Citizen-Times, the North Carolina Energy Coalition secretly paid homeless men and women an undisclosed sum of money to gather in and around Western Carolina University while it hosted a state sponsored symposium on the ghastly consequences of hydraulic fracking.  Participants who engaged the pro-energy crowd later described how it quickly became apparent that the mangy bused-in supporters knew absolutely nothing about energy policy, much less the science of natural gas extraction.  Spokespersons for the North Carolina advocacy group expressed utter surprise, stating, "those tend to be the kind of people who support us anyway."


Members of a popular, now unwelcome, California nudist camp have been accused of ripping off substantial amounts of water from various municipal sources.  When asked what tipped off investigators, they explained that some local residents became alarmed by a conspicuous troop of naked people running away with hefty swinging jugs.

The famed Andy Warhol capsules were finally brought to bare this week in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Executors of the Warhol estate met with industry big-wigs and artsy-fartsy press agents to unveil the long forgotten contents locked away by Warhol more than 30-years ago.  Items were meticulously removed from the capsules and cataloged by museum directors.  Some of the specimens on display included a glass jar full of brown jelly beans, Nico's talent, and a patent Warhol-style rendering of Garfield the Cat. 

A particularly gory piece news out of New York this week, after a local resident decapitated himself in broad daylight at the corner of Roosevelt Blvd. and Hopper Ave., in central Brooklyn.  At approximately 9:35 A.M., 51-year-old Tomas Rivera reportedly parked his 2005 Honda CRV on Hopper Ave., exited the vehicle, and proceeded to attach a steel chain to a nearby pole.  Afterward, Rivera fastened the opposite end of the chain around his own neck.  Upon reentering his vehicle, Rivera, quote "floored it," effectively ripping his own head clean off.  Police were somewhat baffled by the utter gruesomeness of the act, calling it "incomprehensible."  It was later determined that Tomas had recently converted to a radical form of Islam, and upon realizing he was an American citizen, abruptly decided to behead himself.

Now for an update on a previously reported story:  Apparently the elusive gunman involved in the senseless slaying of two Pennsylvania State Troopers nearly two weeks ago today is not, I repeat, not local malefactor Prison Mike.  Authorities cite that materials obtained in the course of the statewide manhunt have yielded enough DNA evidence to determine the shooters identity beyond all reasonable doubt.  Recently discovered items included soiled diapers, as well as several empty packs of cheap Serbian cigarettes.  Focus was immediately drawn toward retired cartoon character and known gambling addict Herman Baby, most notable for his role in the 1988 Disney classic, Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Researchers with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology have discovered that the iconic 12-pound bells traditionally place around the necks of regional dairy cows can, in many cases, result in irreparable harm to the helpless bovine.  Possible side-effects included deafness, disorientation and loss of appetite.  The bells in question produce a noise level of up to 113 decibels, not unlike that of a gas-powered chainsaw.  While farmers insist the accessories are an important part of the Country's cultural heritage, animal right advocates in Zurich say they may have to go.  Prompting fictional music producer Bruce Dickinson, yes, the Bruce Dickinson, to counter:

A violent domestic dispute turned deadly this week in Spartanburg, South Carolina.  At around 10.00 P.M. late Thursday night, two men allegedly squatting inside a vacant duplex on the 4700 block of Springwells Ave., were heard engaging in a loud, sporadically violent argument.  Things unfortunately took a turn for the worse when one of them resorted to lighting the other on fire and then pushed the gasoline soaked victim out of a second story window.

One man suffered burns covering 98% of his body and died at the scene.  The arsonist was not unscathed and sustained burns on over 75% of his body and died on the way to the hospital.  The two were said to be quarreling over who would control the much coveted television remote.  They were later identified by neighbors as local degenerates, Beavis and Butthead.

Oscar-winning film actor Cuba Gooding, Jr. landed in the headlines this week for his "in the buff" appearance during a pro-hockey event at Chicago's United Center on Tuesday.  Cuba reportedly arrived already intoxicated and had to be subdued by security after groping several female attendants.  Mr. Jr. later took part in the celebrity "shoot the puck" competition, reportedly pulling off an unexpected victory.  Cuba then proceeded to disrobe while skating around the rink flexing his muscles and thrusting his pelvis forward. The United Center has specifically banned the playing of one famous instrumental anthem entitled The Stripper in an effort to discourage such offensive behavior (which I guess is now common at hockey games?).  Obviously Cuba needed no musical inspiration, a hefty rock of crack would apparently suffice.

A woman idiot from France claims to have finally achieved her life-long dream of becoming the first sex-doll/barbie-humanoid.  Accredited fashion model Victoria Wild has successfully undergone over $50,000 worth of cosmetic surgery in her pursuit of irreversible freakishness.  Some of her adjustments included implants in her lips, breasts and buttocks, as well as botox treatment and a nose-job.

Wild's slimy French boyfriend reportedly "loves" the new inflatable sex-toy look, which he dutifully paid for, and was elated to learn he might actually save a few shekels on procedures since apparently Victoria is already an air-head.  

Former KTVA Anchorage newscaster Charlo Greene has sparked international notoriety this week over her outspoken stance on the legalization of recreational marijuana throughout the State of Alaska.  Her impromptu revelation was made during an editorial segment covering one local dispensary, in which Greene happens to hold a majority stake.  The admission of Charlo's vested interest in the Alaska Cannabis Club and her subsequent "off-color" resignation was immediately met with bitter condemnation from KTVA executives and FCC officials.  Greene's actual closing remark, "Fuck it, I quit", while passionately made, was largely seen as vulgar and inappropriate -by people with sticks up their asses.

A wave of similar acknowledgements has swept the cable news world in recent days, bringing forth a cavalcade of TMI moments from some of our most well known commentators.

NBA Sideline reporter Craig Sager states, "Fuck it, I make chocolate for Willy Wonka"

Rachel Maddow admits, "Fuck it, I'm a clone of Buddy Holly"

Fox News contributor Shep Smith declares, "Fuck it, I'm a dangerous sodomite"

And fictional KVWN news anchor Ron Burgundy caps things off with, "Fuck it, these movies are terrible"